Declaring API Routes in a Flask Web Application

API routes are the building blocks that enable your app to communicate with the outside world.
-Import Flask
Start by importing the Flask class from the `flask` module. This forms the foundation of your web app.
from flask import Flask
-Create an Application Instance
Initialize your Flask application instance. This acts as the container for your routes and other app components.
app = Flask(__name__)
-Define Route Handlers
Define functions that will handle specific API endpoints. Decorate these functions with `@app.route` to bind URLs and HTTP methods.
@app.route(‘/api/v1/hello’, methods=[‘GET’])
def hello():
return ‘Hello, World!’
-Accessing URL Parameters
Capture dynamic values from the URL by adding placeholders. These values can be utilized within your route handler functions.
@app.route(‘/api/v1/user/<username>’, methods=[‘GET’])
def get_user(username):
return f’Retrieving info for user: {username}’
Handling Multiple HTTP Methods
You can handle various HTTP methods for the same URL. Use `request.method` to differentiate and respond accordingly.
-Running the Application
Start your app by adding the following lines. This launches a development server, making your API routes accessible.
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
By structuring your code with Flask’s application factory pattern and modularizing routes, you’ll maintain a clean and organized codebase.